Balanced Study

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by Ben Huot

You are now in the 4th Generation Subsection of the Writing Section

November 26, 2021

If you only study math and science, how do you decide what ethics to have? How do you answer the question of why or should we? If you change your views based on the latest scientific data, how often should you change it? How do you measure whether the same ideas will be considered foolish in another generation?

There are a lot of assumptions to everyones’ views and this is not just true of scientists. But people who base their entire world view on science often reject the human and supernatural aspects of thinking. These entail things like physical responses, emotions and spiritual truths.

Emotions are just as valuable, dependable, and relevant as facts, depending on the topic. Spiritual truths are the only objective ideas, because they come from who God is. God is the only one who can truly be objective. There are also the primal physical responses in situations where you need to run or fight. These faster thinking methods can be useful in other topics and other situations.

Computers have taken over the world now and so everyone wants to reduce everything to math as that is how a computer thinks. Many equally important areas of study like the arts and world belief systems cannot be reduced to math and logic. This makes a society that only values science only be able to progress in limited ways.

Many people use their brains but in very different ways than just math or science that provide essential services to society. Maintenance is its own area of speciality and is at least as important and complex as engineering. Much of that is based on experience and mechanical knowledge.

Military science makes use of the brain as well but people function as an ant colony where the officers are the brains and the enlisted are the hands and feet. Psychology is an important area that cannot fully be understood through science. Those who do not value it are going to have a hard time dealing with other people. Effective leadership of every kind involves understanding ethical truths and appreciating the emotional needs of those being led.

To be people, as distinguished from non-sentient things, we need to branch out beyond just logic to answer important questions that a civilization is built on. We are experts in implementations of things in ways that are as economically easy as possible. But this leads much to chance and corruption.

Instead of us constantly fighting wars that lead to other wars, maybe we should consider not pursuing aggressive foreign policy. If we need to do bad things to maintain an empire, maybe the technology is not worth the cost. The understanding of cultures we come into conflict with requires we start to value spiritual and emotional thinking.

The truth is our leaders don’t want to expand our minds or to challenge the direction the country is going in. The reason why things are hard to change in politics is that someone else wants things the way they are. You are not just introducing something new and rarely is it truly new but you are taking apart what someone else has built to build your own project.

We are all like the military in that the arts are irrelevant and our leaders not not want our ideas. The only ideas they want are better ways of doing what they want to do. We think we have a free society, but that is only possible when we challenge the reasons why people do things and consider not doing them if they are not worth the cost.

We are literally being distracted by bright and shiny new things so that phones have become the opiate of the masses. We are so focused on building our own brands that we forget that we have souls. We are reduced to an image rather than a fully 3 dimensional person. We are only shells of people that look like people but fail to think at all.

Many people in technology think the reason why so many people cannot get along is that they are unwilling to change their views as fast as the technology changes. But this is not wise to do so. There are good reasons why a person should hold onto views they learned in childhood, life experiences, and through spiritual traditions.

If we change our ideas so rapidly, we do not have time to test the validity of these ideas through experimentation. You can think of your life as a science project where you have limited time and limited resources to work with. What do you prioritize and what do you ignore?

Sometimes there are so many ideas that change so often that they are not worth considering. And if you change your beliefs according to them, you end up constantly changing your whole direction in life. You then fail to learn from your own life experiences.

Furthermore you are limiting yourself to the influence of the few people who have time to do this kind of research. You’re just shifting your faith from principles to people. If you study a curriculum that changes every ten years then you should question the validity of their assumptions.

Societies that have stood the test of time all had a common belief system that their society was based on. It is true that not everyone believed the same but it is also true almost everyone did believe in the supernatural. In fact a lot of the science fiction we watch in movies that often times inspire people to make advances in science is very similar to the supernatural.

Many people now not only accept science and math as the way forward, but at the same time, do not understand it well enough to follow it like it was designed to work. Most people trust science in the way religious people trust God. And they do not have any better justification for doing so.

We have to accept the fact that not everyone want to be or even should be a scientist. Life is about balance and so should a stable society be balanced as well. When we decide to put so much money into our toys, we end up underfunding religion and the arts. This leaves us with little culture to build a society on.

Even after several hundreds years, our country still has little quality culture and most of that is entirely created by businesses to sell things. Most major world powers have their own literature, philosophy, and artwork that is based on more than I like this color. We cannot appreciate other cultures that are fundamentally different than ours because we are unwilling to explore other ways of doing things.