Attributes of Victory

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by Ben Huot

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October 11, 2022

So what does victory look like?

Realizing I was happier before
Believing God will provide
Stopping to think before acting
Getting back up again
Letting the old me die
Listening to the rhythm of God’s voice
Letting God take the burden
Realizing things get worse over time
When I try things on your own
Not believing the lies of the enemy
Amplifying the voice of God
Minimizing the influence of evil
Understanding I need to fear myself more than God
Accepting that I cannot do it on my own
Understanding how to give God control
Seeking God with all my heart
Accepting the peace of the Holy Spirit
Becoming addicted to God

Slowing down and cleaning up my life
Concentrating on putting God first
Finding ways to prove my devotion
Refusing to give up at any cost
God closing doors as well as opening them
Society changing sometimes in good ways
Understanding better who God is
Being surprised by the relevance of Scripture
Many years of prayer
Allowing God to transform my mind and heal me
Time passing by
Learning to trust others less and God more
Minor successes and a glimpse of the power of good
Seeing the mirror of serving God
In being burdened by sin

Many years of trying to understand myself
And trying to communicate it to others
A breaking of my heart
Internally divided by moral compromise
A long process of sinning less
Realizing how much the sinner suffers
Realizing the cost of sin
Victory over other addictions
My heart finally broke
And my depression was removed
I had a mountain top experience
Focusing more and more on God
Increasing my exposure to God
Decreasing my exposure to the world
The influence of caring family
The fear of sin escalating
Concern about how others see me
More concerned about how others see God in me

Seeking devotion from God
Realizing how my bad choices affect others
Not feeling alone anymore
Returning to church
Finding the support of other Christians
Getting solid Bible knowledge
Realizing how many others
Deal with similar issues
Taking care of myself and my house
Realizing sin ends up not being fun
You can only pursue sin so long until it gets ugly
What appears like acceptable compromise at first
Does not stay there
Understanding what things are problems for me
That are not problems for others
Things that are not evil for others
That are evil for me
Realizing how much is spiritual
That appear secular or psychological at first

The fear of following God leaves
Putting God first makes everything better
Realizing preparing for future uncertainty
Is all about being vigilant spiritually
You must work hard spiritually
As well as mentally and physically
Sin never allows rest
Taking back my life
And praying back against the devil
Breaking ties with past sins
Confidence that the devil’s plan has no teeth
The devil’s entire plan is based on deception
All the idols are empty
They have no power over us anymore
Understand that God answers prayers in creative ways
God is much more creative than me
And much smarter than the devil
God is also the key to relaxation
This is why animals are so good at relaxing