Internet Issues for Downloading

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by Ben Huot

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Internet Not Dependable

In many parts of the world, even in America, the power goes down very infrequently, but the Internet goes down much easier. In many parts of the world, it is common, to have electricity go out, for days at a time. And Internet speeds may be fast in Europe, but even in the rural US, not everyone can even get broadband, even if they can afford it. Many people are now accessing most of their Internet based information, via cell phone networks and free WiFi, which is definitely not everywhere, even in the US. This makes having my books available, when you are not on the Internet, essential.

Use Your Bookmarks

Some other ways, to alleviate this, would be, to remember, or bookmark my website, on all the devices you use, to access the Internet. For those using Apple devices, my 2 web sites have their own icons, for every resolution of iPad, iPad Mini, iPod Touch, and iPhone.

All you have to do is "Add to Home Screen," where you add bookmarks, in Mobile Safari. You will then find an icon, with my logo, on your device, which you can rearrange, just like any App icon.

Website Availability

The final major reason, to download my books, all in one, is that my website might be down, or I may not be able, to afford to keep it going, after I die, or end up too mentally, or physically sick, to be able to make sure my website services are paid, on time. If you miss the payment, for you domain name, after the date is due, you will usually lose your domain name, someone else will buy it, and then they will sell it back to you, for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

The more likely situation is that I will move the content, to another place, that you might find harder, to access, or I may take down content, that I think is not important, but that you might still want access to.

Website Longevity and Migration

I have been at this same location, online, since 2007, but, before that, I changed my web location and name of my website frequently, as I had less money then and was looking, for the best deal I could get, on the Internet and the shortest and easiest name, before I could afford, to buy a domain name. The reason why I call it Benjamin-Newton is that that is my first and middle name and the only thing I knew I wouldn't change is my name. Huot is my last name, but few people know how to spell it.

Most people do not know this, but the average website only stays online, about 18 months, on average and, so you can never count on things being there, when you get back. That is why should always download anything important, the first time you see it, from the Internet, right away.