Want to Adjust My Website Design?

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by Ben Huot


You are now in the Notices Section (All notices apply to both Benjamin-Newton.com and Cloudy.diamonds)

Why is Text Smaller?

The text on the website now appears smaller. I made this change because it is necessary for the user to be able to zoom in up to 200% according to the Americans with Disabilities Act and related web standards. Almost every design element is relative now so these websites should be able to expand, contract, and morph according to the various settings you choose.

Web Page Zoom

I recommend that you change your settings for my websites to 150% zoom to get the optimal sizing. This should work well as I have adjusted and tested the design extensively to accomodate this. You should be able to have this set differently for different websites.

Color Contrast

Change your accessibility settings in your OS like Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android and/or in your web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to get a higher or lower contrast version of my website. This also increases the word and letter spacing. I also have a low contrast alteration option which displays all the pictures available and gives even greater word and letter spacing.

How to Change Color Contrast

You can do this by setting your OS or web browser to increase or decrease contrast, depending on your OS and web browser support. Increased Contrast is now supported on iOS 14.8 and Safari 14.1. It also works on the latest Google Chrome and Firefox versions.

Reduced Motion

My more elaborate design elements are designed so you can easily turn them off in your accessibility settings by selecting reduced motion. This is supported in most browsers now for a couple years even before dark themes became easy to do.

Slower Device?

If you have a particular slow device or are far from America geographically, you can speed things up by choosing Reduced Motion and Increase Contrast in your accessibility options of your OS like Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android and/or in your web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Windows High Contrast Mode

I now support Windows High Contrast Mode on Windows 10 and higher in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. This is an accessibility setting that changes the appearance of websites by forcing them to display with only a couple colors selected by you. This generally doesn't affect most pictures but it can icons. It is a fairly new option in its current form that has a standard and cross-platform method of adjusting websites for its peculiarities. I have supported this since late April of 2022.

Dark Theme

I also have a dark theme version since Apple released it for iPhone and iPads back in Fall of 2019. All of these settings work seamlessly with each other and can be set independently of each other.